The Chancery of the Kingdom of Talossa
La Cantzelerïă del Regipäts Talossan
The October 2024/XLV Referendum on the Appointment of Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, UrB, as Heir Presumptive to the Throne of Talossa
El Referendüm da Listopäts 2024/XLV över l'Apüntamaintsch da S:reu Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, UrB, com'el Sovind Pudatïu àl Þroneu da Talossa

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the background of this referendum?

The Monarchy of Talossa has not been hereditary since the summer of 2020, following passage by the Ziu (Parliament) of Talossa of The Non-Hereditary Monarchy Amendment (54RZ28), subsequently confirmed by the People in Referendum during the August 2020 General Elections. However, for four years, no method of selecting a successor to a vacant Throne was adopted into law.
On April 28 2024/XLV, the current King of Talossa, John I Lupul, owing to his significant other responsibilities not allowing him to dedicate his full attention to Talossa, notified the Ziu of his intention to abdicate the throne, requesting it set into law procedures by which he may choose a successor.
The Ziu duly unanimously agreed on the Succession Amendment (59RZ22) in May 2024/XLV, subsequently confirmed by the People in Referendum during the most recent General Elections, in August 2024. These new provisions of the Organic Law (Talossa's Constitution) allow the sitting King to nominate a Heir Presumptive, subject to approval by two-thirds of the Cosă (the Ziu's lower house), a majority of the Senäts (the Ziu's lower house), and subsequently a majority of the People by Referendum.
The current King of Talossa, John I Lupul, has accordingly proclaimed on August 20 2024/XLV his nomination of Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă, UrB, the current Secretary of State, Guaír del Sabor Talossan, Squirrel Viceroy of Arms and Cunstaval da Vuode.
Pusuant to Article II Section 7 of the Organic Law, the Ziu proceeded to concur with the nomination by passing the Succession Confirmation Act (60RZ09) with the required majorities in the recently concluded September 2024 Clark.
Seneschal Dame Miestră Schivă, UrN proceeded to call this referendum, as the required last step in the process of naming and confirming a Heir Presumptive. The Seneschal has the right by Organic Law Article VII Section 13 to call a referendum midway between General Elections, which Dame Miestră duly exercised on September 22 2024/XLV, calling a referendum between October 1 and 21 2024/XLV.

When is this referendum taking place?

Seneschal Dame Miestră Schivă called this referendum to coincide with the Third Clark of the current (60th) Cosă, which begins on the first day of October and ends "at the end of business" of the twenty-first day of the same month, which by Lex.B.10 is set at 7:30 PM TST.
Therefore, voting will be open from 12:00 PM TST of October 1 to 7:30 PM TST of October 21. Automatic conversion to your detected timezone is provided on the homepage of this website.

Who is Sir Txec?

Sir Txec Róibeard dal Nordselvă has been a citizen of Talossa since September 23 2012/XXXV. He has served as Seneschal (Prime Minister) between April and December 2013, throughout the duration of the 45th Cosă. He subsequently served on the Magistracy between June 2014 and the court being disbanded the following April 2015, upon which he was appointed as a Puisne Justice of the Uppermost Court.
In August 2020, Sir Txec retired from the Court to succeed Glüc da Dhi as Secretary of State, in which capacity he has served since. The Secretary of State heads the Chancery, the most important office of the Royal Civil Service, responsible for administering elections, overseeing the legislative process, managing citizenship and censuses, and various other tasks.
Over the years Sir Txec has additionally served in other positions of the Royal Civil Service, including as Scribe of Abbavilla (Oct 2020-Nov 2022) - responsible for keeping Talossa's body of law up to date with passage of legislation - and as Burgermeister of Inland Revenue (Jul 2022-Feb 2023), in charge of the Royal Treasury.
Sir Txec is also serving as a Guaír (Privy Councillor) to His Majesty John I, having been appointed to the Sabor (Privy Council) in November 2022.

What happens if the referendum passes?

The referendum's passage completes the last step for the nomination of a Heir Presumptive to the Throne of Talossa as set out in Article II Section 7 of the Organic Law.
Accordingly, Sir Txec would become Heir Presumptive to the Throne of Talossa and succeed to King John upon the latter's abdication.

Can I vote?

The requirements to vote in the referendum are the same as for voting in any General Election.

How can I vote?

As with any General Election, your vote can be cast in secret through this website, or publicly on Wittenberg.

Who is conducting this referendum?

This referendum is being conducted by Deputy Secretary of State Sir Lüc da Schir, UrB. You should contact him in case you have trouble voting, or have any questions pertaining to this referendum that cannot be answered by this FAQ.
For reasons of propriety, Sir Txec, who is the current Secretary of State, has recused himself from any involvement with conducting the referendum.